Desi Hisab

#India ka apna Hisab!

Now Manage all your Income, Expenses, Dues, and Debts in real-time with your loved ones instantly, only on Desi Hisab!

data icon for greatIncome / expense
Keep track of your Expenses, Dues and Debts
Desi Hisab
Create HisabInitially, establishing a Hisab is essential to fully utilize the capabilities of this application. Hisabs serve various functions including tracking personal finances, managing group expenses, overseeing property rent, and more.
Desi Hisab
Add IncomeAdd 'Income' transactions in any Hisab to manage your finances effortlessly. Each 'Income' entry increases your total balance.
Desi Hisab
Add ExpenseYou can add an Expense transaction in any Hisab. When you do, it will be deducted from your Hisab total.
Desi Hisab
Keep Track of your MoneyYou can track the total, income, expense, and due categories with invited members by clicking on the 'Detail' link.
Desi Hisabshare
Sharable Expense
Desi Hisab
Add ParticipantYou can add friends and family from your contact list to any Hisab using the 'Add Participant' link. For users not registered on the Desi Hisab Application, you can use the 'invite' option.
Desi Hisab
Set PermissionDesi Hisab allows you to set permissions—either 'Edit Hisab' or 'View Hisab'—for specific users on particular Hisab. With 'Edit Hisab' permission, participants can add income and expenses, while 'View Hisab' allows them to only view transactions.
Desi Hisab
Desi Hisab
Desi Hisabsimple & reliable
Free, Fast and Secure
Desi Hisab
Free AccessDesi Hisab application is available on both Android and iOS store in free of cost without any subscription fees or paid feature limit.
Desi Hisab
Efficient Operation in Low Internet EnvironmentsDesi Hisab is designed to work smoothly in low internet speed areas, ensuring reliable performance even with limited connectivity while living or traveling.
Desi Hisab
End to End EncryptionWith end-to-end encryption, all your Hisabs, transactions, and profile data are securely protected. Only you and the participants you add to any Hisab have access to the transactions added by you and them, ensuring confidentiality even from Desi Hisab.
Desi HisabtestimonialsWhat say our clients
Best application to keep track of your day by day expenses. I also liked the feature of sharing Hisab with friends. I am using it with my friends without any issue.
Desi Hisab
Desi Hisab
Desi Hisabanalytics
Analyze Your Income and Expenses with Powerful Insights and Reports
Desi Hisab
InsightsApplication gives powerful statistics on “Detail” screen on every Hisab. You can easily get the Income, Expense, and Outstanding along with user wise spending details on numeric and graphical format.
Desi Hisab
ReportYou can export a report of your Income, Expense and Outstanding with date and time as a PDF format any time and share it with your loved ones on any social media platform.
Desi Hisabsimple & reliable
Invite your friends and earn Cash Rewards
Desi Hisab
InviteInvite friends and family to Desi Hisab using the 'Invite' option during the participant addition process. The application sends a download link via SMS from your mobile number.
Desi Hisab
Cash RewardEarn Unlimited Rewards on Desi Hisab! Simply invite friends and family from your contact list. Once they register, receive a 'Cash Reward' scratch card. Scratch to reveal the amount credited to your wallet which is transferable to your account using any UPI method.
Desi Hisab